Sitecore CDP Decision Models

Sitecore CDP is a Customer Data Platform, which means that we can store data related to our customers.

This valuable data is very useful for analysis and allows you to make assertive marketing decisions. Sitecore CDP allows you to create Decision Tables or even Decision Template which are programmable.

Here we can see some components added to the Decision Model Canvas, you can find more info

Basically best practices mentioned to begin from bottom to top that makes easily to read. Based on that I could say in this example we have three sections.

  • Model Inputs: Here we can add Input Data like guest data or connect to a Data System API’s.
  • Transform and Extract Data: We can add programable boxes to add some logic to validate data, extract fields like GetPropensity, or Order Related Data like HasOrders from the Guest Object.
  • Decision Table, Knowledge Source: At the very top we have the Decision Table.

Decision Table Overview

Client groups according revenue. Adapted from: Esteban-Talaya y Mondéjar-Jiménez (2017). Kotler and Armstrong (2018).

Here we can implement some Marketing Strategies for example if we have a “Butterfly client” we can give them an offer. or if we have a client which is a “unfamiliar” we can give them a lower offer or even decide to do not invest on them.

Our decision table has inputs and outputs:

  • Input: Propensity, Has Orders.
  • Output: Offers

This presented Decision table is a basic example how you can make automated decisions, and how powerful is this platform for your business. It helps you to maintain a good relationship with your clients.

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Sitecore CDP Register Events

Sitecore CDP is a great platform that allows you to register Customer Data for analysis and build Decision Models to create Customer Experiences.

As a developer our first steps are to capture data, it could be some integrations like visiting a page. In this article I will show you how to send events to Sitecore CDP.

Step 1. Create your Point of Sale

Click on System Settings > Point of Sale then click on Create

Fill the form:

  • Name your Point Of Sale: Your Point of Sale Name.
  • Market: Information about the market.
  • Brand: You can fill with your brand.
  • Language: Target language
  • Timeout (in minutes) : Once an user is inactive to close the browser there is a timeout setting that is useful to understand when the user abandon the session.

Step 2: Setup Javascript Library in your Website

var _boxeverq = _boxeverq || [];

// Define the Boxever settings 
var _boxever_settings = {
  client_key: '[YOUR_CLIENT_KEY]', 
  target: '[YOUR_API_VERSION]', 
  cookie_domain: '[YOUR_WEBSITE_DOMAIN]', 
  web_flow_target:  "https://[YOUR_WEBFLOW_TARGET]",
  pointOfSale: "[YOUR_POINT_OF_SALE]"

(function() {
  var s = document.createElement('script'); s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.async = true;  
  s.src = '[CDN]/boxever-1.4.1.min.js';
  var x = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; x.parentNode.insertBefore(s, x);

Add this script into your website and this will inject Sitecore CDP JavaScript Library.

Step 3: Add Event in your website page.

// Place an anonymous function in the Boxever queue
_boxeverq.push(function() {
  var viewEvent = {
    browser_id: Boxever.getID(),
    channel: "WEB",
    type: "VIEW",
    language: "EN",
    currency: "USD",
    page: "/", // Your page path
    pos: "[YOUR_POINT_OF_SALE]"
   //Add UTM params
    viewEvent = Boxever.addUTMParams(viewEvent);
  // Invoke event create
  // (<event msg>, <callback function>, <format>)
  Boxever.eventCreate(viewEvent, function(data) {}, "json");

Step 4: Visit your website

Finally if you visit your website and then go to Sitecore CDP Platform you will see a new event registered for your target user.

Here you can find more information about how to customize an event:–data-model-2-1/send-a-custom-event-to-sitecore-cdp.html

I hope this article will be helpful to start your Sitecore CDP implementations.

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