Sitecore Shared Sessions

In this article, I will talk about a Sitecore Shared Sessions configuration. Many times when you deploy your changes to production environment. You will notice that the application pool was recycled. To avoid this problem, you can configure Redis to store the user’s sessions.

This configuration is pretty simple you will need to follow this walkthrough.

Once you enabled shared sessions using Redis you will notice when you deploy your new releases, the users that are navigating to your website don’t required to enter their credentials again.

But following this approach, as developer you will need to take care about the models that you are building for use as session variables.

    public class Location
        public ID ID { get; set; }
        public string CountryCode { get; set; }
        public string CountryName { get; set; }

        public string City { get; set; }


In the example, Imagine that you want to store a location variable into your session. You would need to create a class but the important thing here is do not forget to include [Serializable].

If you do not serialize your model, once you want to retrieve your session variable website will crash.

I hope this information will be useful for you.

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Eloqua / Sitecore Integration

Eloqua is a tool maintained by Oracle that is used for Marketing Automatization. Eloqua helps B2B markets and organizations manage marketing campaigns and sales lead generation. Those organizations have huge websites that contains many contact forms. As, we talk enormous websites Sitecore is a great DXP (Digital Experience Platform) to build those kind of websites.

So, this article is going to talk about how to integrate Sitecore Forms with Eloqua Integration in order to facilitate the developers life. I created a project in Github, which contains the code that integrate Eloqua with Sitecore Forms.


  1. Download
  2. Install Sitecore Package


  1. Create a Sitecore Form

2. Drag and Drop the form controls that you need it for your form.

When you dragged a control like Single-line text you will noticed that this control contains a section called Eloqua to turn on the Prefill feature if your requirements needed.

The important thing here is named the form same as Eloqua Form and the Single-line text’s control name match as Eloqua Form.

3. Add submit button

After drag and drop Submit Button, Add an action and select Submit To Eloqua.

4. Add Eloqua Tracking Scripts

You can add Eloqua Tracking scripts into your form by drag and drop Eloqua Tracking Scripts control. Then you can fill the Eloqua Form Name and the Eloqua Site Id

And that’s it, now you can place your form in any page. and this will submit the form to Eloqua.


In conclusion this is a basic tool that allows you to integrate your Sitecore Forms to Eloqua Forms without coding.

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