I started an XM Cloud project using Next.js as Rendering Host. I added some Graphql code, but when I want to run jss build I got an error similar to the next one. https://sitecore.stackexchange.com/questions/33141/error-during-build-of-sample-next-js-app

Type error: Argument of type 'TypedDocumentNode<ConnectedDemoQueryQuery, Exact<{ datasource: string; contextItem: string; language: string; }>>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string | DocumentNode'.
  Type 'TypedDocumentNode<ConnectedDemoQueryQuery, Exact<{ datasource: string; contextItem: string; language: string; }>>' is not assignable to type 'DocumentNode'.
    Types of property 'kind' are incompatible.
      Type '"Document"' is not assignable to type 'Kind.DOCUMENT'.


  • @sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-nextjs: "^21.0.0"
  • @sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-cli: "^21.0.0"
  • XM Cloud

After some research I found a workaround. I know this is not the best solution. But if someone else know how to fix this issue please, feel free to leave a comment.


In order to stop the type error, I wrap the Graphql call into a js file. index.js

 export async function myFunctionToExecuteQuery
.... some code here
 const result = await graphQLClient.request(MyQueryDocument, {
    myParam: myParam,

return result;

Then I added an index.d.ts to declare the types.

export declare async function myFunctionToExecuteQuery<TResult>(
  myParam: string
): Promise<TResult| null>;

With that workaround I can still declare the query result type, and also run jss build without any error.

As I mentioned, this is not the best solution, but I can build the Next.js application successfully.